About linking Blaze with Rcpp

Issue #79 resolved
慶全 陳 created an issue

Hi, I don't find any email at this website to contact with the developers of Blaze-lib. I would like to link Blaze-lib with Rcpp like RcppArmadillo and RcppEigen (Linking Armadillo and Eigen with Rcpp.) for R users. I will use Blaze 2.6 which is compatible with C++98.

I know that Blaze-lib is under the New (Revised) BSD license and permitted to redistribute, but I think that it is polite to contact with the developers of Blaze-lib for what I want to do. In addition, I want to put the developers of Blaze-lib as authors in the description of R package if it is okay and I will put the names of contributions for authors of Blaze-lib.

Thank you.

I am not native English speaker, I am sorry if you feel offend.

Chingchuan Chen, zw12356@gmail.com

Comments (9)

  1. Klaus Iglberger

    Hi Chingchuan!

    Thanks for your efforts and for making Blaze available for R users. Could you please post the final link to the package in this issue? This will make it easier for users to find it. We will keep the issue open until then.

    Best regards,


  2. Klaus Iglberger

    Hi Chingchuan!

    Thanks a lot for your contribution and help. We have added a link to your port to the news section on the Blaze main page.

    Best regards,


  3. 慶全 陳 reporter

    This R package can be installed from CRAN now!

    Please see CRAN url.

    And R user can simply install by the command install.package("RcppBlaze")

  4. Dirk Eddelbuettel

    Quick note of thanks from me too -- nice to have this available for R.

    Also, just this weekend I just wrote something about R, Rcpp and C++11/C++14/C++17 so I would be up for discussing how to bring Blase 3.0 to R. Maybe once R 3.4.0 is released as it will formally support C++14 (yet there will be issues with Windows still using g++-4.9.3 and what not).

    Happy to discuss here, or over on the Rcpp issue tickets at GitHub.

    Dirk, for the Rcpp Core team

  5. 慶全 陳 reporter

    Dear Dirk,

    Thanks for your reply and sharing. I am excited to heard about the news that R probably support C++14 in next release. I would like to help to bring Blaze 3.0 to R if needed.


  6. Dirk Eddelbuettel


    Sounds good. Why don't we discuss that on GitHub over at your repo? I have a couple of small suggestions anyway and will try to send you a mail in the next few days.


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