NullPointerException in server tick loop at SkyIslandGeneratorV2.populateStructures

Issue #23 new
Former user created an issue

Full gist with two crash reports here:

Its a fairly infrequent bug I've come across while developing Sky Magic Islands modpack, but has happened about 3 times now where I've been on my multiplayer server flying a Davinci's Airship around a new area (where i haven't pre-generated chunks) and the server will crash and exit with this error.

In addition I have to edit my player dat file and change my position or it will happen every time on rejoin. Finally if I then go back to said Davinci's Vessel airship and try to mount the helm again it will crash again, so I just tear down the airship after editing my player file.

Let me know if you have need more information e.g. config files etc.

Thanks! I love the SkyIslandsV2! So beautiful w/ Biomes O Plenty!

Comments (1)

  1. Yarillo

    Same here with Topography-1.12.2-1.14.2.jar on the modpack Sevtech: Age of the sky (3.2.0 Alpha 2)

    A player entered an area and the server crashed, then continued crashing every time he logged back in and we had to move the player

    The player was not using a Davinci Airship or anything.

    I guess there’s a bug in the generation of a specific structure

    I also love the mod, thanks bloodnbonesgaming

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