Unwanted additions to advancement description when using multiple criteria

Issue #18 resolved
Forrest Csuy created an issue

Triumph Version


Steps to replicate

  • Create an advancement with the basics (title, description, icon)
  • Add more than one criteria to the advancement
  • Load the advancement into the game
  • Complete one of the criteria


The description contains weird additional info in the description after the set description. It seems to represent, in non-human-readable form, which criteria have yet to be completed. (see attached picture for example).

Expected Behavior

The advancement description contains only the string that was set in setDescription or setTranslatedDescription.

Script used which causes this error


Comments (3)

  1. Blarg Platypus

    Criteria being displayed is a Better Advancements option, you can disable it in their config. The weird numbers and letters are colors codes, but are currently not working properly.

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