Request : Trigger on achievement success

Issue #21 resolved
Aurélien B created an issue


Would it be possible to call a URL with a payload when a success is completed. A part of the payload could be in the server configuration (like Auth token, server id) and some per achievement.

It would allow people, like me, to log user's achievements.

Currently, we are adding achievements by hand, but it would be easier if it could be triggered automatically.

Example I made using HTTP GET (for my usage, but it could be more general) https://url/achievements/new/{id from server conf}/?name={achievement name}&points={custom value set by achievement}&token{token from server conf}

It may be cleaner using HTTP PUT or POST

Thanks for reading :)

Comments (1)

  1. Blarg Platypus

    I'm not adding something like this. Best I can suggest is parsing the save files for player advancements for completed advancements.

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