Crash with Triumph on login to new world.

Issue #3 resolved
Khol Rose created an issue

Not sure what would be causing this, it's only in new worlds, not in ones that are already existing - there it is in paste. The crash log.

Comments (11)

  1. Blarg Platypus

    Not sure why this would only happen in new worlds, but the stack trace suggests you have an advancement which you used setRequiresParent(true) on, which doesn't actually have a parent.

  2. Khol Rose reporter

    Any idea what it could be? Given that each of the advancements has a parent. And all the parents are other advancements.

  3. Blarg Platypus

    Not unless there's any script errors in your log. I added some checks in dev that should fix the issue for next version, though.

  4. Khol Rose reporter

    I fixed it, it looks like it was a crash due to my root function of a new page. I guess I had the root function as a child, rather than having the same unlock criteria, this caused the game to crash.

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