Chronomancy does not affect Observatory bonus

Issue #10 resolved
Stjepan Bakrac created an issue

The following is an excerpt from calendar.js (a bit formatted):

        var chanceRatio = 1;
        if ("chronomancy").researched){
            chanceRatio = 1.1;

Judging by this I take it that Chronomancy is supposed to increase the chance by 10%. However, the following code does not do that:

        var chance = 25 * chanceRatio;
        if ("observatory").enabled){
            chance +="starEventChance");

This means that Chronomancy only increases the base chance from 0.25% to 0.275%, since the star event chance from Observatories is only added afterwards. But since Observatories make up pretty much the entire event chance after only a few buildings, that means that the effect is pretty much useless. With 100 Observatories it only increases the effective chance by 0.12% instead of the 10% chance one would expect. That results in 1 extra star chart every 10 in-game years

Unicornmancy is not affected by this, it's applied at the end, right when the comparison happens.

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