"Sacrifice Unicorns (all)" button doesn't work sometimes, with interesting implications.

Issue #142 new
fj_ created an issue

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Have unicorn production in 100s per second.

  2. Sacrifice all unicorns.

  3. Tab away from the Religion tab, then back to it, while there are still less than 2500 Unicorns and sacrifice button is disabled.

  4. Wait for unicorns to reach numbers sufficient for sacrifice, observe that the "all" sub-button doesn't work, and wouldn't work unless you go to another tab and back.

By looking around with a debugger I saw that the proximate cause is that model.enabled is false when handling the sacrifice all callback, but true when handling the buyItem callback. In fact, that's a different object. You have two different model objects, one for sacrificeAll and one for buyItem callbacks, which don't change between respective invocations. The "x10" button shares its model with "all" button.

This has terrifying implications, my dudes.

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