Exploitable bloodstone probability bug

Issue #170 new
Tualha created an issue

In Iron Will with ten or more zebras, hunting may bring in bloodstones. The chance of a bloodstone is relatively high at first; once you’ve acquired any bloodstones, the probability goes down sharply.

However, it seems that the probability is not recomputed after each hunt, but instead after each set of simultaneous hunts. This can be exploited by saving up catpower until it hits the cap, then using it all at once. All of those hunts will check the higher probability for bloodstones, so you can get several of them.

I presume this behavior was not intended?

The relevant code seems to be in js/village.js, but I do not know enough JavaScript to offer a patch.

An example/test save is attached. Hunting all at once brings in several hundred bloodstones. Hunting one at a time until a bloodstone is acquired, then all at once, brings in less than ten.

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