Rate display for engineer crafting is not correct

Issue #176 resolved
Boris Zbarsky created an issue


  1. Set up an engineer to do some crafting.
  2. Hover over the relevant resource quantity in the resource pane to see the rate it’s being produced at.

EXPECTED RESULTS: Displayed “Engineer: “ rate is correct.

ACTUAL RESULTS: The rate is off by a bit. That’s because getEffectEngineer, when called with afterCraft == true, multiplies by the craft ratio, but should be multiplying by (1 + craft ratio), just like actual crafting.

I created a proposed fix you can see at https://bitbucket.org/bzbarsky/kitten-game/commits/b1a82c5d4ad3a4f8c9378206a4db734670336cae?at=fix-engineer-rate but for some reason I can’t seem to be able to create a PR against this repository…

Comments (3)

  1. PellaAndroid

    At first, I had a similar issue creating a PR. The trick is to ignore the "Create pull request" button in this repo. Go to your fork; create the PR from there, and it will work.

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