Reactors effects

Issue #20 new
Arima B. repo owner created an issue

Reactors uranium consumption does not scale with # of buildings. b) It is probably too small

Comments (3)

  1. freeroot

    I think it's because reactors have two impacts in uraniumPerTickBase :

    • First, the "uranium consumption" effect which decrease the rate.

    • Second, the "production bonus" effect which increase the rate.

    The same problem could exist for magnetos but its production bonus effect are ignored for oilPerTickBase.

    Is the good way to ignore the "production bonus effect of reactor" for uraniumPerTickBase ? I prefer to ask before because it could have a serious downward impact on uraniumPerTickBase.

  2. Boris Zbarsky

    The production bonus shouldn't increase the rate of accelerator-produced uranium, because accelerators pass disableReactors=true to getAutoProductionRatio. It probably does affect planet crackers via space elevators.

  3. freeroot

    I have made some tests and you partially right.

    The issue appears only when you have negative energy so, when you active one more reactor : few uranium is consumed by the reactor but the production of energy decrease the "prodution bonuses cuts" : so, accelerators and planet crackers increase there production of uranium.

    To resume, when you have negative energy :

    +1 reactor => production bonuses cuts ➘ => magnetoRatio ➚ => accelerator produce more uranium

    +1 reactor => production bonuses cuts ➘ => spaceRatio ➚ => planet cracker produce more uranium

    And because

    uranium consumption of reactor < (accelerator production + planet cracker production)

    , the global production of uranium increase with one more reactor.

    At last, I don't know if it can be considered as a bug. Maybe a message in reactor description could alert players of the importance of energy.

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