Warehouse and barn hover over text does not update when upgrades to storage capacity are purchased

Issue #22 resolved
Former user created an issue

Even after concrete barns, concrete warehouses, etc are purchased, the over over text still displays the starting values for their storage capacities.

Comments (3)

  1. coderpatsy

    The way I see it, we could decentralize resMax calculations and move them into calculateEffects, so that each bld.effects is what it adds to storage. There'd still need to be something for effectsBase, and it would likely mess with current limits to some degree.

    Or we could tack on methods that change the values sent to renderEffects. It could be useful for more than just resMax effects (I guess?), but it may not be 100% consistent with how much storage it actually adds.

    Either way it'd mean duplicating the resMax calculations across multiple points, making it harder to change those consistently. Thoughts bloodrizer?

  2. Arima B. repo owner

    I don't mind moving part of resPool#update to calculateEffects, at least some parts that are affected by barnRatio and warehouseRatio. (callateEffects is at least better from a performance point of view).

    Not sure about other approaches.

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