Remove blank space from top of resources pane (and maybe around Send Hunters)

Issue #35 wontfix
Rob Nelson created an issue

At the top of the resources pane, above the Catnip data, there's a blank space. Can this be removed or minimized? Initially, this doesn't affect much, but as you gain access to more resources space needs to be conserved here. Another candidate would be around the 'Send Hunters (all)' text, there's a space above and below it that seems unnecessary, esp since the Send button could be moved into the same column as the Catnip +- information is displayed.

Comments (6)

  1. Rob Nelson reporter

    @bloodrizer I'd be happy to submit a PR if you could provide a pointer to at least what file this is in. I don't know jquery.js but I'm sure I could pick it up quickly if I knew where to start.

  2. Ross Smith

    I'd probably vote against this. We could free up perhaps 40-45px, but at the expense of legibility and visual appeal.

  3. Rob Nelson reporter

    What I was envisioning was to put 'catnip:' at the same relative position as 'Bonfire'. Seems okay in that section to be near the top.

    Rob Nelson

  4. Ross Smith

    Why not just scale the website smaller if you have an issue fitting all the text on your screen? Hold Ctrl + Mouse Scroll Wheel

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