Inconsistencies with resource consuming buildings and insufficient resources

Issue #36 resolved
coderpatsy created an issue

If you don't have enough uranium, all Reactors turn off at once (and it checks differently than other buildings). Magnetos and Lunar Outposts only turn off one per action. Bio Labs don't even check if you have enough catnip to turn into oil and will gladly let you go negative (however unlikely that actually is outside of refining catnip). Smelters, Calciners, Accelerators, and Mints all just don't produce or consume anything. And Steamworks is its own can of worms.

So, should anything be changed here? Should all buildings turn themselves off? Should they just operate as they are now? Should buildings that do turn themselves off go 1 at a time or all at once? See also the display issue in issue #30 (which might be fixed elsewhere?).

I've no strong opinions.

Comments (4)

  1. Ross Smith

    My vote is for buildings to turn themselves off one at a time. It's frustrating for your buildings to all turn off when, say, all but one of them could have run indefinitely.

  2. freeroot

    There are now, after many commits :

    No building turns off automatically.

    Convertion of resources depending on the stock in real-time.

    Resources displayed are corrects and more precises with Conversion Prod et Conversion Cons.

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