Would like to have a log filter for astronomical events

Issue #60 resolved
Jenya created an issue

In the middle stage of the game astronomical event messages are quite spamming the log and an option to silence them would be desirable (all astronomical messages, including the observe).

Comments (6)

  1. coderpatsy

    Already exists, sort of. The SETI workshop upgrade silently auto-observes all astronomical events.

    Otherwise starcharts are very important if you plan to craft more ships or progress to space.

  2. Jenya reporter

    Currently crafted a lot of ships ( > 100), yes reached SETI now, still during last few days these "rare" astronomical events got on my nerve :). I even got a habit to automatically press "Clear log" button. I stopped to care about starcharts when I got more that 1000 of them (and they still grow automatically due to Observatories).

    How about filtering at least automatic astronomical success events? It is not like I can do anything about them anyway (no button to press, etc)

  3. freeroot

    Maybe it's an idiot question but related to this : why the Observe button is in the log ? It should be above the log, as a button visible any time but not in the log which normally means what it means.

    With Clear Log and Log Filter in the same line, there is a large place for the observe button.

    Finally, astronomical messages in log could be filtred like this issue propose without hide the Observe button.

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