To change trade modifier for buying catnip from standard x25 and x100 to x5 and x25

Issue #61 resolved
Jenya created an issue

I'm not sure I will ever reach state in the game where x25 modifier for bying catnip (from Sharks) will not overflow my catnip storage. Right now my catnip storage is about 520K and the x25 modifier trade brings up to 2 millions of catnip. An x5 modifier will be useful (as it would bring for me about 400K which is within catnip storage limits). So x5 and x25 looks useful, x25 and x100 are not (will game ever reach catnip storage where x100 for catnip buying is useful? I think not).

Best regards, Evgueni

Comments (4)

  1. Boris Zbarsky

    For what it's worth, right now I'm looking at about 200K per trade (in the winter) and a catnip storage cap of 304M. So even x100 would not overflow the storage cap in my case.

    Now I agree that trading for catnip is a lot more useful at much earlier stages of the game, when the lower numbers of trades would make more sense.

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