[exploit?] After receiving a 'rare astronomical event' and observing, player can pause and unpause to get the observe button back for repeated science rewards

Issue #69 resolved
Former user created an issue

What happened

Whilst playing the game during year 2, Autumn, I was watching for rare astronomical events for science. Shortly after getting one I paused the game for a while, then came back to it and unpaused it.

What I expected

Game would continue with no odd occurences.

What happened

A few seconds later I got another rare astronomical event in my log, and an observation button for it. I repeated the pause-unpause-getevent thing a few times to check if I'd really seen that happen and, after that, if I could replicate it.

Comments (3)

  1. Rebecca Paliwoda

    Okay, I posted that in the first place without remembering I have a bitbucket account. Sorry if the priority is wrong - I just went with the default.

    It seems any time I pause and unpause the game I get an observable astronomical event, regardless of whether the latest logged event was an astronomical event or not - I tested it again after sending out a hunting expedition and got the same result - free science from a 'rare' astronomical event.

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