Building during temporal paradox does not consume resources

Issue #82 resolved
Boris Zbarsky created an issue

Maybe this is as-designed, but...

During temporal paradox, I can build a building that I have the building cost for and the corresponding resources will not be consumed. So for example if a hut currently costs 5 wood and the price ratio is 2 (yeah, it's unclear how one would get into temporal paradox at that point; these are just numbers for illustration purposes), and I have 100 wood, then during temporal paradox I can build 5 huts, costing 5, 10, 20, 40, 80 wood respectively. Then I can't build anymore, because the next cost, 160, is more than 100.

But note that I should have spent 155 wood while building those huts, while in reality I have spent 0....

Also note that for lower price ratios the number of buildings that can be constructed can be much larger. Again, doesn't seem purposeful.

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