Entangler fixes, trade display values fixed

#414 · Created  · Last updated

Merged pull request

Merged in Bioniclegenius/kitten-game (pull request #414)

c890fa9·Author: ·Closed by: ·2018-03-14


  • Fixed Entangler bug, trade display values

    Entangler bug was corrected - no longer spikes to infinity during Charon and 0 during redmoon.

    Trade min/max display values were corrected to be actually accurate now.

    I'm going to work on simplifying the trade function's math down some without changing the result, but since this is a more complex operation, I'm splitting it to a separate commit.

  • gflops consumption adjusted

    Previously, if the consumption was larger than how many gflops were available, it'd treat consumption like it was 0. Now, it's been altered to only consume exactly how many gflops are available, so a partial consumption. If the next loop after consuming it was at 0, it wouldn't consume any.

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