Autoloot not looting every time

Issue #12 invalid
Former user created an issue

Seems to just be happening today, when I open EMA under the team setting I get ALL, Master, and Minion for my master character. When I click on ALL then Minion disappears off the list. If i push these settings then loot will work until I switch windows to a slave character, then looting gets stuck on one of my characters randomly and I have to go back to the master, click on ALL on the right and then push settings again. Basically every time I switch to a different window the looting breaks.

I've tried deleting addons, i've tried completely uninstalling EMA and loading again from a default profile. Same problem keeps popping up and today is the only time i've had this issue. It's been working perfect until a few hours ago and I changed nothing at all from last night when it was working.

Comments (7)

  1. Jennifer Calladine repo owner


    Might be easyer to come talk to me am normally hanging around in the isboxer discord as ebony

  2. Boxer Xenu

    I will try and make some time later on today to speak more about this in discord. I would very much like to make sure i’m not losing my mind. Can we set a time east coast time this afternoon?

  3. Boxer Xenu

    I will keep checking back here, just let me know a good time for you and i’ll hop on discord.


  4. Jennifer Calladine repo owner

    Am in the uk atm am moving house bad timing i know!!

    So giving you a time is hard

  5. Jennifer Calladine repo owner

    can not work this one out if its a bug or a client problem. nerver got hold me in discord so could not run it though they wonted,

    No one else has reported this and it seems ok from my playing how it would work on live

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