ema-team invite doesn't auto accept invite from group leader, and a quest bug

Issue #14 invalid
Former user created an issue

i've been having this issue since launch day. i multibox five toon on live servers, but i continue to use jamba since it works fine; this functionality works fine with jamba on live, though.

i've configured my five toons as a team within ema-classic. once i enter "/ema-team invite" and the invites are sent to the slave toons they don't auto-accept the invite. i've looked over the interface a million times and everything looks fine, it just won't work.

also, with jamba on retail servers, if i shift-click a quest on the master's quest log it posts 5/5 of the requirements to be met by all of the toons. with ema-classic, though, this isn't working at all. i have to manually go to each toon and shift-click the quest, and after that it'll show 5/5 on the main window. there seems to be a passive status update that -- as you loot items or kill mobs -- updates the tracked requirements for a while, but this is really annoying when jamba is perfection.

Comments (2)

  1. Jennifer Calladine repo owner

    You need your full team list on everytoon on each slot. It works fine for me! Ema does not auto setup your team list it world with jamba/isboxer.

    The wow classic quest log is very basic what your describing is how it works in classic and blizzard hard coded it to track like this you can go in wuest log and do track all will track all quests

    am sorry am still working on single tracking it but am currently moving and waiting on internet and sorting out my stuff before i can do somthing with it

  2. Jennifer Calladine repo owner

    not sure on this one it work fine for me and everyone else i would think it was not setup right

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