Quest Tracker not updating correctly.

Issue #18 new
Former user created an issue

I run a 3-man group (2 warlocks, 1 priest) and I've noticed that my priest doesn't seem to share the status of the quests she's on like the warlocks do. So on gather quests, my 2 warlocks will show how many of each item has been gathered, but on my Priest, nothing updates (or even shows that she's on the same quest as the rest of the group). All of the settings are the same for the 3 characters, but the Priest is the only one having an issue.

Comments (5)

  1. Jennifer Calladine repo owner

    do you have this ticked?

    As well in classic this is how it works

    you can track the quest using the track button on the quest

  2. Irish VIII

    Is there any updates on this issue? I am experiencing this problem and cannot seem to figure out what is causing it. It was working fine when I first installed and then after about a day it just stopped working. I have disabled my other addons one by one in case any of them were causing an issue but nothing seemed to help. I have “Automatic Quest Tracking” enabled in the WoW settings and do not have Guidelime running (as suggested by a previous comment).


    I’m not exactly sure what I did to make it work but I got it working. I disabled a few settings and re enabled them and copied my profile to a new profile. I set the tracker to only be on master, but I don’t think that made a difference. I went to the quest tracker and selected Track All and the list populated. So maybe it was just user error, but glad to have it working again!

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