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autoRealm / version_number_system

Versionning name system


The version name system used for autorealm is a common one: There are 3 digits:

  • major version => incompatible changes in plug-in system: all plug-ins will need at least to be recompiled, probably re-written
  • minor version => new features were added since last version, but no ground-breaking changes.
  • bug-fixes => only bug fixes were added Although names are "major" or "minor" versions, they does not signify big things for final user, because they are only major or minor in terms of development changes.

Major version

Many efforts will be done to avoid new major version, to avoid things become incompatible for nothing. A new major version could add no new features immediately, but will always prepare the ground for new, hopefully exciting features. 0 is a special number: this number is reserved for alpha versions, where nothing is finished, so everything can change everyday.

Minor version

Minor version will be version which add features, without throwing everything in flames.

Unlike many projects, even numbers (finishing with 0,2,4,6,8) will be unstable versions, odd ones (finishing with 1,3,5,7,9) will be stable versions. Essentially because development start on 0, and because I don't see why I should do things like other if I do not understand why they do in their way.

Bug fixes

Those version increments will only provide fixes on features.
