Create fomo occupancy option

Issue #1013 new
Željan Topić created an issue

“What I would like to achieve is that each available date on the calendar have a random amount of progress bar under it on it but being able to set the range.. say 50% to 70%.. Also on the left for seats left.. rather than showing the actual number of seats left.. it will show a random range set by me.. at the moment my plan would be to set it to 2-3 that way some way 2 and some say 3 left.. 1 function could probably control both the progress bar and the seats left with the same values that way they are in sync with each other... and once the number of seats actually available goes under this set value then it would revert to its actual value....  this would apply to all my appointments as people tend to book when FOMO sets in and they see the progress bars being filled up.. and only 2 seats left….“

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