Auto-select first available slot not working

Issue #1046 new
Valentina R created an issue

Tested in 4.15.0 and 4.16.1. The site has only a few simple global rules (no gCal sync) and 1 staff (with a couple of simple rules) assigned to multiple products.

For a specific product in June, there are no free slots. I manually checked all the rules and booked appointments, and everything looks normal - there should be no slots.

But the feature “auto-select first available slot” skips May (we’re currently in May), jumps on June, stops there, and adds this param to the URL: ?date=2023-06-26

Even in the console, it shows that 26.6. is fully scheduled so why is it stopping here? It should show July where the first available slot really is.

Reported here:

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