WC Payments multicurrency not working for addons in the latest version

Issue #1065 resolved
Valentina R created an issue

As you can see on #2 here, there’s supposed to be a button with the pencil icon to set the pricing on other currencies when the product is set to manually set prices in other currencies, which is not showing up on Appointment add-ons.

On version 4.15.0, even without this pencil button to set them manually, the add-on prices were correctly converted with the default conversion rate, but on 4.17.1 this is no longer working.

If I have an add-on with a price of +$100, regardless of the currency it stays at 100. On my specific case, 1 COP = 4000 USD, so something that costs 10 USD would be 40,000 COP. With the current functionality, any add-on on my store is several thousand dollars right now.

Reported here.

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