Very specific availability bug with staff in 4.17.3

Issue #1071 new
Valentina R created an issue

To reproduce set the product with inventory 7 and a staff member.

Then add to cart 1 slot, add the same slot again, and again. You should have 3 appointments with quantity 1 in the cart for the same time. Now, add 2 more to cart for the same time but add them as 1 appointment with quantity of 2. Now, there are no more slots available, but there should be 2 more.

If staff is removed from the product, it cannot be reproduced. So, the issue is with the staff member. Staff has no rules and is automatically assigned to the product.

Reported here.

Comments (4)

  1. Valentina R reporter

    it doesn’t matter if staff is automatically assigned or not. I can reproduce it easily on my test site even in the latest version.

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