Custom pricing not working fine in 4.18.0 when going overnight

Issue #1090 new
Valentina R created an issue

To reproduce set the availability to 24h, product duration to 5 hours, and interval to 1h.

The different pricing should apply to appointments starting between 20:00 and 6:00. No matter what I try, I can’t get this to work.

a) If I set the custom pricing rule to “recurring time (all week)” 00:00 - 11:00, it only applies custom price to appointamnets that start between 00:00 and 6:00.

b) If I set the custom pricing rule to “recurring time (al week)“ 20:00 - 11:00, it applies to appointments starting at 16:00 until 6:00.

c) If If I set the custom pricing rule to “recurring time (all week)” 23:00 - 11:00, it applies to appointments starting at 19:00 until 6:00. This is the closest to what it should be but not good enough.

Reported here.

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