Create Customers on the fly

Issue #12 resolved
johannesmutter created an issue

Imagine the following time critical situation:

  1. A new customer walks into the store or calls your staff by phone.
  2. He starts by introducing himself (First Name, Last Name).
  3. He asks for an appointment.
  4. Staff clicks on “Add Appointment”.
  5. Instead of choosing “Guest”, staff clicks on “Create New Customer” and adds the customers name, and maybe phone number, etc.
  6. Staff selects service and date.
  7. If an order is created and no new customer was created: Additional Opportunity to add a customer. So staff can ask again for the customers details.

Comments (5)

  1. johannesmutter reporter

    Point 7. is obsolet as there is already a plugin for creating a customer on manual order creation.

    So just the ability to create a customer (fields: first name, last name, email, billing phone + filter for individual fields) and assign the newly created customer to the appointment.

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