Staff capacity between different products

Issue #181 resolved
Valentina R created an issue

To reproduce:

Make staff A with capacity 10. Make product A with capacity 10 (min:1, max:10) and add staff A. Make product B with same settings and same staff member. Now when you book staff A for product A 08:00 5x, he should be only available for product B 5x at that specific time. But he can be booked 10x.

Comments (3)

  1. Željan Topić

    From my testing all works fine. If staff is booked with product A, same staff should not be available for product B, not matter the qty booked with product A and staff capacity.

  2. Valentina R reporter

    Weird. Before on the same test products, I was able to to that, now I'm not. You can close this ticket.

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