Add shop manager and admin as staff_memebrs

Issue #198 resolved
Valentina R created an issue

Taken from the link below:

Staff issue: Probably many other smaller shops have the situation that the Admin is Shop Manager and Shop Staff all in one person with maybe 1-2 additional staff members that may or may not provide appointment services, so allowing Admin and Shop Manager Role also to be linked to appointments as staff members would be highly desirable.

Comments (6)

  1. Željan Topić

    Products, where current staff is assigned and products, which current staff has created will show up by default from 3.1.8 onwards.

    It won't show all products in dropdowns - for this customers should add 'manage_others_appointments' to 'shop_staff' role with external plugins.

  2. Valentina R reporter

    I don't think we're talking about the same thing here.

    I'm talking on the Edit Product page where the staff members can be assigned to the product.

    Now the dropdown is populated only by staff_members, but it would be great if one could also have shop_manager and admin there. Is there a filter for it maybe?

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