Provider: No Preference - today

Issue #21 resolved
johannesmutter created an issue

In frontend: If the user keeps the selection “— No Preference —” and selects the date of today, the message appears: “No slots available”. But if a provider is selected, various slots appear.

In admin: This problem also appears in the admin view.

Comments (10)

  1. Željan Topić

    Can you also share the configuration for this scenario. Perhaps a screenshot of your product settings? - I tried to replicate this on my end and all works fine.

  2. johannesmutter reporter

    I currently can’t replicate the problem, too. Will see if happens next Sunday again and than share some more info.

  3. johannesmutter reporter

    Ok this Sunday it happened again. I think it must have something to do whether the start of the week is set to Sunday or Monday. And also how the availability of the staff is set.

    In the Wordpress General Settings I have set "Week Starts On Monday". Date Format is "Custom: F j, Y" and Time Format is "g:i a".

    There is also a very strange behaviour in the calendar for the staff availability: It displays available time slots, despite the fact that availability is set to "no".

    Case 1

    case 1.png

    Case 2

    case 2.png

  4. johannesmutter reporter

    If “No Preference” is selected it says "no slots available". If staff is selected, it shows appointable slots.


  5. johannesmutter reporter

    A third error is this one: If “No Preference” is selected a less slots are displayed than when staff is selected. appointment-error3.gif

  6. Željan Topić

    It displays available time slots for all staff, when No preference is selected, so not sure if this is a bug.

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