WC Memberships base price discounted twice

Issue #216 resolved
Valentina R created an issue

When a product is added to cart it reduces 5% (the discounted price set with for this membership). Then in cart it adds another 5% od base cost, but not on addons. This way a product with 100€ base price + 50€ addon comes 137,50€. But it should be 142,50€

Here are some more details: https://bizzthemes.com/forums/topic/discount-applied-twice-in-conjunction-with-woocommerce-memberships/

Comments (10)

  1. Valentina R reporter
    • changed status to open

    In 3.2.7 it doesn't work again. I have a 100€ product and with a membership discount of 20% it turns the price to 64€ instead of 80€.

    Plus with addons it acts even weirded. On the product page when adding 50€ with addon it doesn't recalculate. It shows 114€ (64€ + 50€). When I put it in cart it shows 64€ (so the extra hour with addon becomes free).

    Reported here: https://bizzthemes.com/forums/topic/discount-applied-twice-in-conjunction-with-woocommerce-memberships/

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