Lead time for 24 hours not applying the right class

Issue #285 new
Valentina R created an issue

I was able to reproduce it.

No matter if you set it to 24 hours or 1 day, it's the same.

Explained and reported here: https://bizzthemes.com/forums/topic/incorrect-calendar-css-for-unavailable-day-with-lead-time-involved/

Comments (5)

  1. Željan Topić

    This is a JS limitation. It will be fixed, when we switch from jQuery datepicker to pure JS or PHP+JS calendar.

  2. Wolfgang Scheinhart

    Looking forward to the resolution. I've not been updating to the latest plugin version as it is a huge task to run all integration testing with every version you post and 50+ plugins we have on our site - so the risk is high of something not working. But I would be interested in this fix as it is the one thing we really care about since it is affecting each and every customer coming to our site.

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