Availability display issue when "assign all staff automatically" on a product is selected

Issue #307 resolved
Former user created an issue


I have an issue with the display of the availability when I asign all my staff automatically on a product (appointable product). The reservation involve everyone even if one of them is unavailable on a particular slot.

For example, I assigned 3 employees (A, B and C) to a product and configured it to have all the staff assigned at once. Employee A and B are always available. Employee C is not available from the 12/02/2018 to 18/02/2018. Then I book the product on 12/01/2018 and I can observe that the reservation appears in the dashboard of all the staff including Employee C which is supposed to be unavailable. So, I reconfigured the product so the client can select a provider for the service and did the same operation. Here everything is fine, the slots unavailable for the Employee C are not displayed in the calendar.

Could you help with this one please ?

Thank you in advance for your support.

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