Request for a "month/time" range in global availability settings

Issue #339 new
Former user created an issue

Would you please consider adding an additional "month/time" range to the options when setting global availability rules.

We need to vary our appointment times each month based on daylight hours. We are a tours business and daylight hours are important for managing appointment availability.

To enable this so far I have had to set up numerous “Date/Time” ranges in global availability. It is cumbersome as you need to use the date picker to set start and end date for every month and then set start and finish times. It also means I need to keep it up to date on a rolling basis as we use a 12 month “lead time”. I can't just "set and forget".

It would be so much easier if I could just select each “Month” (January to December) and set a time range. Only 12 rules required and only need to do it once.

Would you please consider this addition for a future release?

Thank you, Michael

Comments (2)

  1. Valentina R

    Another customer is asking to add a different rule: bi-weekly/monthly/daily:

    I would really appreciate a bi-weekly scheduling option. Are there any plans to add this option so you can set availability for every nth iteration of a moment (like a day of the week or a day of the month for example)?

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