Performance Issues with multiple staff assigned to appointable product

Issue #40 resolved
johannesmutter created an issue

We have a product where 8 different users (staff) are assigned. Loading this product in “Add Appointment” on the admin page takes around 40s until the document is loaded. On front-end it’s not a problem as the page get’s cached. … To see if the number of staff linked to a product affects performance I added a product with 30 users assigned. Trying to add a new appointment for this product resulted in a “504 bad gateway”. … So currently it’s not possible to offer products where more than ~10 users are assigned, depending on the server settings (php max execution time).

Comments (2)

  1. johannesmutter reporter

    Looks like global availability settings cause this problems. I turned them off completely and set everything either on staff or on product level. … I think other customers might experience the same problem. So therefor I suggest adding an alert to the global availability setting or the documentation, that it’s not wise to have both availability rules for staff/ product and global running. … Now load time is 500ms. Before it was 30-40s.

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