Option for staff members & vendors to select their timezone in the backend

Issue #430 new
Valentina R created an issue

Someone with staff members all around the world has troubles because staff members have to recalculate everything in store timezone when adding availability rules.

Is there a filter for showing staff availability rules in their timezone? If not, can it be added?

Requested here: https://bookingwp.com/forums/topic/time-zones-shop-staff/

And here: [https://bookingwp.com/forums/topic/not-able-to-set-timezone-of-staff/](https://bookingwp.com/forums/topic/not-able-to-set-timezone-of-staff/)

And here for Vendors.

Another request.

Comments (22)

  1. Eduardo Azancot

    I do not consider that this requirement is trivial, but on the contrary it should be "Major" priority. I hope you can work on it and implement it as soon as possible. See how the "Bookly" plugin has implemented it in a very robust way.

    As I already bought your appointment booking system, and I wanted to continue using it optimally, where my staff members can specify their time-zones according to their location and not have to be calculating the time differences with respect to the location established in Wordpress (which corresponds to another country different from where the staff is located).

    I would appreciate it if you could quickly implement this functionality.

    Thanks in advance, regards.-

  2. Mihaly Borbely

    Is there an ETA for this?
    It has been marked as major half a year ago, and promised to be implemented after 4.5 which was released 5 months ago. It also has been independently requested by 4 different customers at this point.
    I don’t mean to be too pushy, just making sure it doesn’t get forgotten. Thanks for the work you are doing, guys! The plugin is awesome.

  3. Eden Brownlee

    Hey guys. Also wanted to put a +1 on this, we have been waiting for quite a long time now and we really do need this integrated into core urgently. Thanks for you help 🙂 If we can get a dev update in this thread as to when this could be worked on that would be wonderful :)

  4. Georgia Ferguson

    Adding my +1 on this as well. My staff are going nuts. Though I’m not sure this functionality is the same that I need. I need staff to be able to set their own timezones so they see their appointments in their local time instead of the Wordpress time. I do not need a separate product for locations.

  5. Josh Lavinsky

    Please add us as a +1. We have staff and managers in multiple time zones and will have to develop our own code solution if this is not released soon. In reading the different use cases it seems different BookingWP customers may need the backend time zone to be shown based on different sources i.e. web browser timezone, the users location (using woo billing/shipping address or custom field), the product or the appointment timezone. Perhaps the ideal short term solution would be if you could add the required filters at the points Mihaly has identified then we could all implement the backend users timezone as needed in a supportable fashion, This would take the burden of extensive testing of this complex problem off of your back..

  6. Darie Nani

    I would like to +1 this as well. Also, instead of automatic detection etc can you not simply add a time zone drop down so staff members can simply pick their location? Would this not be an easier process?

  7. Howard Weng

    Any progress for this ?
    Please +1 for this feature. Most of my customer are in Taiwan and staffs are in Philippine and Taiwan.

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