Timezone not working ok on blocked days

Issue #438 open
Valentina R created an issue

You can test it here by choosing Timezone UTC-3. You should see slots at 00:00 and at 23:00. But since Monday is blocked, it does not show the 23:00 slot. Even though in the store's time zone that is on Tuesday at 2 AM.

Reported here: https://bookingwp.com/forums/topic/release-4-0-filter-timezones/

Comments (6)

  1. Željan Topić

    If I calculated correctly, this works as it should. In your case only 00:00 slot is available the day before Monday because 23:00 falls into Monday on UTC-0. This is why Sundays don't have 23:00 available.

  2. Valentina R reporter
    • changed status to open

    But that is not how i should work.

    If the store works on Tuesday at 2AM, then people should be able to book that slot no matter which timezone they re in.

    Why should I not get this slot just because I am in a timezone that has this displayed at another time? It's still happening at 2AM Tuesday store time.

  3. Željan Topić

    The potential issue here is not the one you described, but something else. In your case (your sites demo), Monday should not be disabled, when timezone changes to -3 UTC as it should have 23:00 slot displayed on Monday, since Sunday 2am UTC slips into Monday when -3 UTC.

  4. Valentina R reporter
    • changed status to open

    still not working ok. With UTC-2 or UTC-3, there should be slots on Monday evening, but there are not.

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