SERIOUS Availability Bug

Issue #47 resolved
johannesmutter created an issue

If the last user in the products staff list is not available on the selected day, it will say “no slots available” for “no provider preference”, even if 3 other providers have available slots.

Example 1

“Ricci is last provider in list” (This provider is not working Mondays) — RESULT: If no preference is selected it says no slots available …



Example 2

“Adrian is last provider in list” (is working Mondays) — RESULT: slots are available


This is a very serious problem as customers will believe there are no appointments available.

To reproduce this problem here is the availability set for the user “Ricci”. staff-availability.png

Comments (7)

  1. johannesmutter reporter
    • changed status to open

    No Preference + Customer selected → No slots available

    Unfortunately with the latest update 1.9.8 things became even worse … In google analytics I can see we are loosing > 60% of all customers on the appointments form page. Web Orders almost dropped to zero. Customers complain they can’t book online. This problem exists now since several weeks (first reported in May) and seriously threatens our startup …

    Now for every date selected it says always: “No slots available” if no provider is selected.

    The problem lies within the $staff_rules array (array merge maybe?). If the last provider in this array is not available for a selected date NO slots are available.

    Selecting appointments for the current day doesn’t work again (fully_scheduled @ ui-datepicker-today, even if there is no appointment on this day).

    Again here are my settings on a clean WooCommerce installation:


    Staff selection: Customer Selected

    Staff: 4 providers linked

    Availability: no product availability set

    Staff Availability (provider 1 to 4):

    Time-Range (all week) 00:00 – 00:00 set to No

    Time-Range (Monday/ Tuesday …) with various availability (hours) and some days not set for each provider YES

    If you need access to our system or anything else please let me know. I really love the plugin, but now it becomes a nightmare.



  2. Željan Topić

    It looks like a serious bug, but I can't replicate it on my comp, so I'd appreciate logins for this site to investigate and debug it.

  3. Željan Topić

    Found out this issue is only present, when there are no global and no product availability rules assigned, only on staff level.

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