WooCommerce Point of Sale

Issue #50 resolved
johannesmutter created an issue

I’ve finished developing the integration for WooCommerce Point of Sale. Fully compatible now. Loading orders in POS takes less than a second with one click, compared to the usual process of loading an order in POS, which takes approx. 30s, 5 clicks and a manual search.

Making your Appointments Plugin together with POS a great choice for all appointment orientated facilities and retail businesses with a cash register and digital Point of Sale System.

Tested in IE10+, Edge, Firefox 45+, Chrome, Safari 9.1+, Opera38+ and iOS Safari 8.4+


Comments (3)

  1. Alexandre Leite

    Hi, this integration seems great! I'm having a bit of a problem, though.

    Everytime I try to click on Raise Sale, I get this message: Captura de Tela 2017-06-09 às 11.49.48.png

    Is there any way around it?

  2. Lewis Rowlands

    does this still work, I installed point of sale and cant see any integration? There is no button on calendar to raise sale?

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