Add the possibility to sync the same gCal to multiple users

Issue #576 resolved
Valentina R created an issue

It’s a rare case, but would come handy to some users.

Let’s say that one has a store that uses staff for location. He has one gCal as it’s only 1 user and has 4 locations. It would be great if he could have 4 gCals under one Google Account and could sync one to each staff.

Asked here.

Comments (3)

  1. mattias @

    I now have exactly the same issue. Is there anyway for a snippet to loop through all users connected to the same calendar when updating from GCal > WP?

  2. Valentina R reporter

    I have been testing this and it seems to work ok.
    My test is having the global and staff connected to the same Google Account but with different calendars. There seem to be no interference with the calendars and the right things sync to the right calendars.

    So, it looks like this is already possible.

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