Bug with staff availability rules

Issue #65 resolved
johannesmutter created an issue

A staff availability setting like below has the following effect: - Once an appointment is created for another staff on a Sunday, no other appointments are possible on Sunday. The day is marked as fully scheduled (even if there is only one appointment taking an 1 hour and dozens of other slots are free). - I know explicitly setting a weekday to “No” while having the time range (all week) active and set to No makes little sense. This is a user input error that should either not be allowed or should not cause a bug like described above.

Is it possible to skip that “Time Range (all week)” rule in below setup and just explicitly set days specified to “Yes”. So the default state is “No” and only the specified “Yes” rules have an effect?

Bildschirmfoto 2016-08-24 um 21.49.26.png

Comments (14)

  1. Željan Topić

    Is this only happening when all staff assigned is configured? - if yes, then it is supposed to work this way.

  2. Željan Topić

    Than it is supposed to work this way. Capacity is now limited to product capacity as max capacity, it does not matter how many staff is assigned to it.

  3. johannesmutter reporter

    Does this mean I have to update all the products and set the capacity to the amount of staff assigned or would you recommend configuring this in a different way?

  4. Željan Topić

    Not sure what you're aiming for, but if you want to have i.e. 5 bookings for a particular slot, than increase the capacity to 5. The way it worked before was wrong and it lead to overbookings and it was impossible to set something like class capacity or guided tour capacity with multiple staff assigned.

  5. johannesmutter reporter

    but than the way we used the plugin doesn’t work for us anymore: We have e.g. 4 staff assigned to a product with different availability set for each staff in their user settings.

    If I want to book 4 appointments for 4 different clients on Monday 12:00 and I have set capacity to 1: Only one appointment is possible. Despite 4 staff being available.

    If I want to book 4 appointments for 4 different clients on Monday 12:00 and I have set capacity to 4: All 4 appointments are assigned to the first staff, as defined in product staff settings.

  6. johannesmutter reporter

    Above described happens when customer selected is set for the product.

    In case automatically assigned is select it also doesn’t work, in this case the appointments are assigned to two staff, 2 for each (meaning an overbooking). Bildschirmfoto 2016-08-25 um 13.36.51.png

  7. Željan Topić

    Staff availability is always taken into account and overbookings are not possible. If staff is not available on a particular day/time, appointment will not be scheduled, even if capacity is set to 10. Staff capacity is also taken into account and if staff capacity is set to 1, only 1 booking will be allowed for selected availability rule, regardless of product capacity.

    To sum up, if you set product capacity is set to 4 and 4 staff members are assigned for it that have capacity inside their personal availability rules set to 1, than only 1 booking per slot and per staff will be allowed. If it doesn't work like this, then it is a bug, otherwise, it was intentional. Let me know.

  8. johannesmutter reporter

    I think there is a bug than. Please try the following: Create 4 staff, all with availability as in first screenshot (without the Sunday rule) Create a product lasting 1 hour, with 4 staff assigned, capacity set to 4 and “Staff selection: customer selected”. Then add 4 appointments for e.g. Monday 12:00.

    All 4 appointments will be assigned to only one staff.

  9. Željan Topić

    I'll examine this thoroughly, but last time I tested, it didn't overbook anything. I did notice it picks first staff member when No preference is selected and it's possible that it doesn't check next member, when first one isn't available any more. I also noticed 1 is displayed as capacity placeholder, which is wrong, you still need to enter 1 to work.

  10. Željan Topić

    I have taken this morning to test this out and only found one minor issue, which is 1 being displayed for capacity placeholder, even though no capacity is being set inside availability rules, either for staff or global. If you set capacity to 1 for your staff, it will work as it should. Other than that, it works fine. If you feel I'm wrong here, share logins for your site to info@bizzthemes.com and I'll look at it.

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