Improve adding new appointment

Issue #66 new
Željan Topić created an issue

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Comments (7)

  1. johannesmutter

    Hello Željan,

    It’s been a couple of month since I proposed the new “add appointment modal”. When will this feature become available?

    The add appointment dialog/ modal in admin calendar should allow the staff to do the following in this order: 1. Select Customer or Create Customer on the fly (Fields: First Name, Last Name, E-Mail, Phone Number). Maybe team up with these guys: Create Customer on Order for WooCommerce ? 2. Select product 3. Select staff (in staff view automatically selected by column clicked) 4. Select Time (automatically filled, but with ability to change) 5. Select Date (automatically filled, but with ability to change)

    Except for Date/ Time, non of the above fields should be mandatory. E.g. staff should be able to book a product out of certain product availability rules or if the customer doesn’t want to tell their surname (e.g. Indians often don’t have a family name) or phone number, staff should still be able to create the appointment/ customer. Or if no product is selected the appointment will just be named as “blocked time slot” e.g. for a lunch break.

    Instead of restricting staff to do certain actions and limiting the applications capabilities, show warnings: E.g. “Are you sure to create an appointment with staff XYZ who is usually is not available at this time: 20:15?”

    (My clients are about to switch the software because adding manual appointment for new customers on the phone still takes more than 2 minutes, compared to other applications such as timely where the whole process takes about ~30s. I wished I could tell them this feature will be ready soon).


    add appointment dialog.png

    add appointment timely.png

  2. Bionik Digital

    Something new on this topic? We purchased your plugin for a client but this is one of the main reasons why they want to move to different solution.

    They were using simplybook, where this process is very smooth and fast.

    The have a lot of appointment coming from the phone, and in today’s world you just can’t make client stay 2 minutes on the phone. And people don’t want to say their mails on the phone, that’s why you have to come up with fake mails every time. The process of creating new customer is too slow.

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