Staff: Date Range / Time Range (date range) Bug

Issue #68 resolved
johannesmutter created an issue

The “Time Range (date range)” selector doesn’t work as intended. It makes the whole day unavailable for bookings. See the screencast I recorded (download for better resolution). Only the normal date range selector works.

Product Settings:

  • Customer selected

  • 4 staff assigned

  • Capacity: 4

Staff Availability Settings

A: date range

B: time range (date range)

Comments (5)

  1. johannesmutter reporter

    Something I also just realized: This availability rules for e.g. holidays only make sense until the end date is reached. Than they become obsolete and should be removed automatically to improve performance when calculating availability. So something like a garbage collector function is required. For all fading availability rules such as date range, date range (time range).

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