inventory acting weird for next day when day before goes after midnight

Issue #680 resolved
Valentina R created an issue

To reproduce try these product settings:

and these rules:

On Saturday, the first slot is at 11:00 instead at 10:00. That’s wrong.

The only way to get the slot at 10:00 is to set the Friday rule to end at 23:59 or before. Even setting it to end at 00:00 does not work ok.

Then I tried keeping the Friday rule at 09:30 - 00:30 and changing the Saturday rule to 09:00 - 23:30. In this case, I get the first slot on Saturday at 09:00 which is correct.

Then I changed the Saturday rule to 09:30 - 23:30 and I get the first slot at 09:30 which is correct.

Then I changed the Saturday rule to 10:30 - 23:30 and I get the first slot at 11:00, which is wrong again.

Then I changed the Saturday rule to 11:30 - 23:30 and I get the first slot at 12:30, which is wrong. It should be at 11:30.

Going further I found that changing the Friday rule to 09:30 - 00:00 does not show the last slot at 23:00, but at 21:30, which is again wrong since the duration is 1 hour.

The interval should not work the way it does because too many clients simply loose too many slots because of it.

The logic should be for a product with duration 1 hour and 90-minute interval and the availability for Monday is from 8:00 to 10:30 and from 13:00 - 15:30 → show these slots:

  • 8:00
  • 9:30
  • 13:00
  • 14:30

Right now this is what we get:

  • 8:00
  • 13:00

And in case someone books a slot at 13:00, we should then have these left:

  • 8:00
  • 9:30
  • 14:00

Because if we’d need to have 30 minutes between each appointment, we’d set the padding to 30 minutes. That’s not what the interval is for.

Reported here.

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