Staff has separated view for all appointments and calendars

Issue #70 resolved
Željan Topić created an issue

By default, staff should not be able to see other staff's appointments and calendars in admin.

Comments (6)

  1. johannesmutter

    Could you please an option to the WooCommerce appointments settings page, to change this default behaviour?

    I tried with User Role Editor and there the capabilities are not properly labeled: e.g. "Read S", "Edit S" had to be enabled beyond all the appointment capabilities …

  2. johannesmutter
    • changed status to open

    Hello Zeljan, Again, can you please tell me how to change this behaviour? E.g. in the calendar view by staff it makes no sense to hide appointments from other staff. Is there a filter or a setting? I tried all available capabilities for the shop_staff role in user role editor, but without success. … This is quit urgent. Thanks!

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