When appointment is cancelled, event is not deleted

Issue #779 resolved
Željan Topić created an issue

Comments (7)

  1. Valentina R

    from what I see, the problem was with either syncing the same calendar twice or using the N/A option in the global gCal which should not be used as it causes a lot of issues.

    But today, another customer reported the same issue. All appointments are duplicated and when it’s cancelled or rescheduled, it remains in gCal. Do not close it yet.

  2. Valentina R

    note: a customer made modifications to the remove_from_gcal function to account for cases where the “N/A” cal ID is selected in global settings.
    The N/A option should be removed or fixed because it only causes issues.

  3. Željan Topić reporter

    Added filter 'woocommerce_appointments_gcal_remove_from_gcal' with 4.16.2.

    Will look to handle N/A global calendar better.

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