Allow staff to schedule unavailable dates

Issue #79 new
johannesmutter created an issue

Sometimes the availability rules are too strict. For example an employee may work on one day one hour later than normal. In order to book an appointment in such a situation, one would need to go to the user and change his availability, which is very time consuming and too difficult for normal users.

Instead: Allow staff to always book appointments in admin area, even those that are unavailable. The prevent errors: Create an unobtrusive alert that shows up, when such an appointment selection is made.

Comments (3)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    You can hack it. :) Few more steps than normal, but it works.

    1. Create a new appoinment for a guest.
    2. Select random time/date.
    3. When the order and appointment is created edit the appointment.
    4. Change time/date to the ones you need (it doesn't check availaiability here)
    5. Change the customer to actual customer.
    6. Change status to "being processed" so email is triggered.

    Done. :)

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