Add limit to rescheduling

Issue #817 new
Valentina R created an issue

Suggested here:

Is there a way to add a Reschedule Limit. This feature would ensure that no one abuses the booking system, reserving slots with a “just in case I need it” mindset instead of a well thought out mindset. I am a busy car wash and I found that customers book for sunday just to have an appointment in case they are available. Then they would book reschedule for Wednesday after they realize they can’t make it, then Saturday, etc. This unlimited rescheduling system allows customers to take slots without thought or planning, causing them to reschedule continuously. This takes away availability for another paying customer, losing the business money.

Suggested Fields/Functions:

a) Allowed Reschedules = 0-999
Add this option in the product data section right below the “Can be rescheduled?” option


b) Add a checkbox in the admin Woo order details that allows us to deactivate rescheduling for that specific order. If you do this, a button to deactivate cancelling might be a nice touch too.

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