WPML multicurrency doesn't work ok for appointments created in admin

Issue #852 open
Valentina R created an issue

Reported here with screenshots that describe the bug. A quick summary:

  • add-ons currency is displayed wrong (not the price, only currency)
  • in order, the price is converted, when it shouldn’t be. Booked in currency1, but shows in currency one while price was converted to currency2, causing the price to be almost 10x higher than it should be.
  • admin appointment calendar - shows wrong currency

Comments (6)

  1. Valentina R reporter

    Here is a test I made from a customer’s staging site. Frontend I get the correct amount in dollars, backend I get the amount in turkish lira but the currency is in dollars.

  2. Valentina R reporter
    • changed status to open

    The first two points were fixed but this still persists: * admin appointment calendar - shows the wrong currency * admin appointment calendar - tax is not displayed

    Check these images from the same order: img1, img2.

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